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Avado Apprenticeship Policies

All of Avado’s apprenticeships are delivered through Avado Apprenticeships, who are rated Ofsted ‘Outstanding’. Avado Apprentices is committed to delivering an Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) service that provides a range of opportunities for learners, employers and partners to make informed choices about their training and development needs within the apprenticeship sector. Read through the below sections carefully to understand all of our relevant policies.
About Arch Apprenticeships' Mission
Businesses and learners can unlock their potential by developing and growing skills in Marketing, Human Resources, Learning & Development, Business and Data Apprenticeships with Arch Apprenticeships Operating nationally, we work with around 800 employers. Predominantly, we support the development of head office staff of large businesses, particularly those with a London headquarters. We have a strong specialism in the Retail and Professional Services sectors, and a growing client base in data and business analysis. As an Avado Group company, we help people and businesses through interactive learning experiences. We build capabilities that support real change by offering new skills and mindsets through quality apprenticeships, qualifications, workshops and modules. Arch Apprenticeships Mission, Vision & Values
Policy statement

Avado is committed to delivering an Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) service that provides a range of opportunities for learners, employers and partners to make informed choices about their training and development needs.

Avado Apprenticeships Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) Policy
Our commitment to safety and protection

Avado recognises its responsibility to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practice, to protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse, harm and neglect and prevent people being drawn into terrorism. Avado also acknowledges that the welfare of children and vulnerable adults is everyone’s responsibility and expects all employees, learners and visitors to operate in an inclusive manner. This policy will be updated regularly to take account of national legislative changes. In addition, it will be reviewed following any organisational changes.

This document is the Safeguarding & Prevent Policy for Avado Group and takes into account all those who are in receipt of or providing different services we offer (irrespective of age and circumstance). This policy sets out the procedures that Avado would expect to be used to:
  • Ensure service providers are doing their utmost to protect children, and vulnerable adults with whom they work
  • Ensure service providers protect themselves from harm and potential false allegations
Avado Apprenticeships Safeguarding & Prevent Policy
Policy overview

Online safety is an integral part of safeguarding. Any issues and concerns with online safety must follow Avado’s Safeguarding procedures. Avado aims to:

  • Have processes in place to ensure the online safety of learners and staff.
  • Deliver an effective approach to online safety, which empowers us to protect and raise awareness for our learners.
  • Set out expectations for all Avado staff and learners’ online behaviour, attitudes and activities and use of digital technology.
  • Help all stakeholders to recognise that online/digital behaviour standards (including social media activity) regardless of device or platform are monitored
  • Establish clear structures by which online abuse will be treated, and procedures to follow where there are doubts or concerns.
Avado Apprenticeships Online Safety Policy
Policy statement

Avado encourages all complaints to be dealt with informally, and if this is not possible it will be progressed through the complaints procedures outlined in the below document.

Avado Apprenticeships Compliments & Complaints
Policy overview
We are an equal opportunities employer committed to promoting equality of opportunity in all aspects of employment. Anyone who works here, applies for a job or has any other dealings with us will be given equal opportunity regardless of sex or sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, age, disability or gender reassignment (Protected Characteristics). Our equal opportunities policy covers all employees, consultants, contractors, casual workers and agency workers. It does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment and we may review and amend it from time to time. We really value diversity and feel that it is in everyone’s interests to have a harmonious and respectful workplace. It is our aim to provide a creative working environment where everyone has an equal opportunity for success based on merit and where everyone is treated fairly and with dignity, free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Avado Apprenticeships Equal Opportunities Policy
Policy overview

Avado is committed to delivering high-quality learning through apprenticeship standards. This is done either through Avado directly, or via one of its carefully selected subcontract partnerships. This statement explains the process, costs and expectations from Avado when entering into a subcontract partnership.

Avado Apprenticeships Sub-Contract Partnership Statement
Policy overview
We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our staff and anyone affected by our business activities (including learners and apprentices) and to providing a safe environment for all those attending our premises. In particular we are committed to maintaining safe and healthy working conditions through control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities, consulting with our staff and providing appropriate information and taking steps to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health. Avado Apprenticeships Health & Safety Policy
Policy overview

The purpose of this plan is to outline the continuity arrangements Avado have in place to safeguard our provision. The policy identifies reasonable measures in place to respond to and be able to mitigate business risks where there is a potential of significant damage to business operations.

This Plan is supplementary to our main Business Continuity Plan and is to consider those incidents that will have a significant impact on the operation of our Apprenticeship provision following a major crisis or disaster or an event, and which creates the need for short-term closure or suspension of activity. Avado Apprenticeships Training Policy
Policy Overview
This commitment has been made not because we are lawfully obliged to do so, but because we are an organisation with five core values of accountability, ambition, care, empowerment and transparency, and these values inspire us to do the right thing. Slavery and trafficking are more than crimes – they are an attack on humanity and are responsible for untold misery and suffering. Representing our beliefs as a human-centric organisation, this statement outlines how we contribute to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and our supply chains. AVADO Arch Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Commitment